Current Trend and Future Perspectives of Paratuberculosis in Tanzania


  • Fulgence Ntangere Mpenda Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O.BOX 35179, Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
  • Joram Buza Department of Global Health, School of Life Sciences, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, School of Life Science and Bioengineering, P. O.BOX 147 Arusha, Tanzania.


Ecosystem; Johne’s disease; One health; Paratuberculosis; Tanzania


Paratuberculosis prevalence, economic and public health significance in animal populations is well documented in most of the developed countries. In African countries however, information on paratuberculosis is sparse mainly due to lack of surveillance and research on the disease. In Tanzania, the disease was first reported in Kilimanjaro in year 1960 and up until year 2014, different cases have been reported in almost all agro ecological zones of the country, but there is no epidemiological information to link the cases. This creates an impression that the disease is absent in Tanzania. However, it is recently realized that in any African country that has done some surveillance, the disease has been confirmed to be present. The aim of the present review is to revisit the trend of paratuberculosis in Tanzania from 1960 when the disease was first reported to the current situation in year 2022. Attempt is made to highlight the possible link between the cases and suggest future strategies to enable the country grips with the disease. It is anticipated that this review is going to raise awareness on paratuberculosis in Tanzania and catalyze the institution of paratuberculosis surveillance and control programs in Tanzania.




How to Cite

Mpenda, F. N., & Buza, J. . (2022). Current Trend and Future Perspectives of Paratuberculosis in Tanzania. Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research, 12(3), 324-328. Retrieved from



Review Article